
Thirteen Teachers Participate Leadership Workshop.

Thirteen teachers from Southern Deanery have participated in a two-day School Leaders Workshop, which commenced on the 18th of September here at Saint Peters Youth Center Gizo.

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Teachers were from Vanga schools, Saint John Bosco Nusabaruku, St Peter UTC, Saint Eusebius Noro, and some of our diocesan staff.

 The workshop was facilitated by Western Province Chief Education Officer Sam Parubule, Senior School Inspector (WP) Willy Etupio, and Senior Officer Gerry Pitakia.

Sessions include school grants and how to retire them, school reports, and the teachers’ appraisal.

The workshop concluded on day two.

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Italian Power-man Farewell

On July 27, an Italian volunteer bids the diocese farewell here at the St. Peter compound in Gizo after helping to restore a solar power system.

 He's Mr. Alverio, and he works really hard, day and night, getting data by communicating with the boys from Solomon to Italy.      During his three weeks here, he was able to fix the pastoral center and Moli School's electricity.   Noro Parish also had the benefit of having him twice for their solar system.

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During the farewell dinner, Fr. Dominic Soloko expressed gratitude for his availability and a gift from Italy for the diocese.

He stated that while bishop emeritus had accomplished many things for our diocese, sustaining them was the other concern. He stated that after the system failed, we were required to pay a high-priced Solomon Power bill. With Averio we shift to lower cost.

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He adds that we will continue to pray for you, bishop emeritus, Paola, and the other Italian volunteers and benefactors.

Finally, everyone thanked him for his safe travels to Italy.

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20 Girls Attend a Day Formation.

Twenty (20) young girls were involved in the Come and See program for girls from Christ the King and St. Dominic parishes. They participated successfully in a formation program that began on May 20th.

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Two Dominican sisters, namely Srs. Leonie and Clausina Pitamama were in charge of the program, and reporting from St. Dominic Sirovanga parish, Chris said that the program was enhanced by these sisters, who encouraged these young girls to integrate various spiritual practices such as contemplative prayer, meditation, and silence.

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He said that a similar program for boys is planned for June. He continued by saying that the formation program's target audience is for other parishes in Choiseul Province.

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Youth Noro Involvement Praise.

The St. Eusebius youth were praised for their continuous involvement in events that kept them close to the church.

They continue to be involved with little ones in sports, and once a week they go around Noro Township collecting trash to beautify the main street.

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They had their fellowship with families at their homes on Sunday the 7th of April, they visited the Noro clinic on the 14th, and were commended for their amazing Passion of the Cross dramatization on Easter Friday.

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Parishioners also praised the members of the Good Samaritan Group who share in Guanellian    Mission at Noro for their mission to provide a place for young people to connect them with God, develop relationships with others, learn about themselves and their faith, and develop skills for living a Christ-centered life.

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PTA Moli Holds First Meeting.

On Wednesday, February 7th, the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) of St. Joseph Moli Primary School held its inaugural meeting.

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 Anthony, a volunteer for the parish media, reported from Moli and stated that their meeting was predicated on reviewing their financial report for 2023 as well as the entirety of the school's development plan for this year and their projected budgets, etc.

A one-day meeting was presided over by the chairman and the headmaster.

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Voruvoru take Initiative to Clean Bangara RHC.

Voruvoru youths took the initiative to clean up the Bangara Rural Health Clinic on the 3rd of February as part of their program said Fr. Thomas Pata who is currently serving the parish.

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Although the number of young people in the parish has decreased, many are enrolled in secondary education, and others have left, but their involvement in its programs and communities inspired them.

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Fr. Thomas lists their responsibilities as managing the clinic for the upcoming year, helping to establish the community secondary school, and constructing the new parish church building.

So, starting off with Bangara Rural Health Center has given a positive sign for these youths, said Fr. Thomas.

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Nine Graduates at St. Peters Urban Training Center.

Nine students from St. Peters Urban Training School received their Certificates on Thursday, October 19th, at St. Peters Hall in Gizo.


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New Bishop Install for Diocese of Gizo

Catholic Diocese of Gizo now has a new Bishop, Most Rev. Bishop Peter Houhou who was installed at St. Peter Cathedral Gizo on Sunday 27th of August 2023 by the Nuncio, His Excellency, Most Reverend Archbishop Fermin Emilio Sosa Rodriguez.

Bishop peter his handed to the diocese of Gizo Copy

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