
Family Life Apostolate Programs Continue



Family Life Apostolate (FLA) team facilitators have successfully continuing its programs of activities this year 2010. The program now reached its mid year, and believed to have four or five activities until the end of this year.


The Family Life Coordinator, Sr. Rita Pitavavine OP urged every families to enable them to live their evangelizing role. She said that they must be empowered to face the challenges of the gospel in all levels of life. Faith formation focusing on conversion, repentance, and Christian patterns of relating needs to be planned and facilitated. She stated that evangelization challenges the Christian families to recognize the implications of their baptismal call, to commit themselves to reconciliation, and to share their faith.


During the Women’s Rally last year many women in the parishes suggested for betterment of their physical aspects following the abuse made by many husbands. This issue was one of the major circumstances which family life office is still carry out the implementation of their project. This includes the “Hey Dad!!” project which came to alive this year.


Women discussing some of their Recommendations Nila Clinic that Serve most Parish in Nila


However, the women of the Diocese of Gizo urged also the FLA office to carry out its activity to the provincial clinics that been set up around the diocese. This set ups encouraged catholic mothers to used Contraceptive device methods as to space their family.

For another next 6 months the FLA office will continue its new activities which will be on Ovulation and the Moral teaching of the church. This may enable them to space their own family and to learn some of the important out-puts on moral issues.


A Poster Display to use Condoms at Nila Clinic

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