
More Youths Involve in Easter Celebrations.

 More youths around our diocese are involved in the Easter activities especially the dramatizing of the Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday), which commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the Dead and the Resurrection of Him.

Involving them through dramatizing Jesus riding on the Donkey and the fourteen Station of the Cross highlights the actual event happening 2000 years ago.



Their involvement has encountered them to reflect Christ's sufferings through those stations.

 For St. Peter Parish Gizo they have their wonderful Palm Sunday celebration where youths dramatized Jesus riding on a Donkey to Jerusalem.

The Dramatize was part of the procession leading to the Cathedral followed by parishioners and nights of the altar, the priest, and our Bishop. And the Station of the Cross from Jah mountain to the Cathedral.

Also reporting from Wagina parish, Mareita Kervin said that they have their celebration as usual; stations were erected throughout the village and towards the mission station.

It has halted some of their daily preparation but does allow parishioners to come out and follow the prayer Stations dramatized by the youths.


From other parishes, Nila, Voruvoru, and Moli have their wonderful and peaceful Good Friday celebration that prepared them for Easter Sunday.

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