Lenten Cross Launch for Pilgrimage around Parish.

On February 22nd, the Lenten Cross was launched for a pilgrimage around the communities at Holy Rosary Parish Nila.

The launching took place at the mission station and its first destination was St. John Bosco Senior and Technical School. Then they went to Tuha Junior Secondary School spending 2 days before their departure to the Fauro community.



 Fr. Michael Haritoka described that the presence of the Lenten Cross brings an opportunity for students to reflect on the suffering of our Lord. His reflection has determined that the Lenten Cross brought another opportunity for students to gather together and be close to God and renew their own lives as they are still young.

The pilgrimage of the Lenten Cross was to prepare the communities for repentance and the parishioners to set time aside to praise and worship the Lord, read the Bible and pray more often, and do fasting.

The Lenten Cross returned to the parish station on Palm Sunday.

Tags: nila, pilgrimage, cross
